Oxford ELLT Speaking Test

When it comes to language proficiency assessments, the Oxford English Language Learning and Teaching (ELLT) Speaking Test stands out as a robust evaluation tool. Designed to measure a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in English, this test assesses spoken language skills across various contexts – through having presentations on trending topics.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the Oxford ELLT Speaking Test, providing insights, tips, and sample speaking topics to help you navigate this assessment with confidence.

Understanding the Oxford ELLT Speaking Test:

Oxford Speaking

The Oxford ELLT Speaking Test is structured to evaluate a candidate’s proficiency in spoken English across four key skills: pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, and grammar. The test typically comprises interactive tasks that simulate real-life communication scenarios, enabling examiners to gauge how well candidates can express themselves in different contexts.

Test Format:

The Oxford ELLT Speaking Test often includes a variety of tasks such as introductory questions, presentations, question answers, and describing images. Each task is designed to evaluate specific language skills and competencies.
For presentations, confidently express your ideas, maintain a clear structure, and engage your audience. Practice effective time management to ensure a well-rounded performance in this key segment.

Key Components of the Oxford ELLT Speaking Test:



Candidates are assessed on their ability to articulate sounds accurately and use intonation effectively. Practice pronunciation through phonetic exercises, listen to native speakers, and record yourself to identify areas for improvement.


The test measures how smoothly and confidently candidates can express their thoughts. Develop fluency by engaging in regular conversations, participating in language exchange programs, and practicing timed speaking exercises.


Candidates are evaluated on their range and accuracy of vocabulary use. Expand your vocabulary by reading widely, learning new words in context, and incorporating them into your spoken language.


This component assesses a candidate’s grammatical accuracy in spoken English. Review and practice common grammatical structures, paying attention to verb tenses, sentence structures, and word order.

Sample Presentation Topics:

Following are some past test’s presentation topics that you can consider to prepare for your ELLT Speaking exam.

Sample 1:
‘Fast fashion is the mass production of cheap, poor quality, disposable clothing. The fashion industry produces 80 billion garments a year. That’s over 10 for every person on earth and it’s 400% more than it was produced 20 years ago.’ (Soure: PebbleMag)
Some people believe we should stop buying fast fashion. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Discuss both sides of the argument and give your own personal opinions.

Sample 2:
‘Toy manufacturers have been working on making their packaging more gender neutral. It is quite common nowadays to see a scientific kit with both a boy and a girl in the photo, and likewise for a role-play kitchen. However, 86% of dolls sales go to a female recipient and 90% of toy vehicles to boys.’ (Source: The Guardian)
When buying toys for children, it’s important to avoid stereotypes of girls as future homemakers and boys as future breadwinners. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Discuss both sides of the argument and give your own personal opinion.

Sample 3:
‘Scientists have discovered that people who get up earlier in the morning tend to be happier and better protected against depression.’ (Source: The Guardian)
Does it make any difference if a person is an early riser or a night owl? Or can both types of people be equally productive? Discuss the pros and cons of each and give a personal reflection.

Preparation Tips:

  • Review sample test materials and understand the structure of the speaking test to be better prepared on the day of the assessment.
  • Engage in regular speaking practice with language partners, tutors, or through language exchange programs to build confidence and fluency.
  • Seek feedback from teachers, language experts, or peers to identify areas for improvement and refine your speaking skills.
  • Read extensively in English to enhance your vocabulary and learn to use words in different contexts.
  • Practice speaking in various situations, such as casual conversations, interviews, and presentations, to adapt to different communication contexts.


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